

Awards and other Recognitions

Thank you to all the websites, readers and fellow bloggers who have nominated or awarded me blogging awards.  I have stopped providing linkbacks inside blogging award posts.  I will continue to recommend other bloggers and other genealogists for awards, but I will not provide links for SEO tactics [search engine optimization].  I also love to provide comments and promote other blogs on social media, so if you comment often I will probably follow you, too, and recommend some of your posts on Facebook, twitter or on Follow Friday posts here at Nutfield Genealogy.

from Lucie Consentino

2011 Flip Pal Simple Gifts Genealogy Blog Hop Blogger

1940 Blog Ambassador for February - April 2012

Nominated by six other genealogy bloggers!  Thanks! 
January 2013

"One Lovely Blog" Award by Randy Seaver