
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Advent Calendar- A Holiday Food Tradition- Fondue!

Why fondue?  I don't know why it started, but in the 1970s fondue was very popular.  That's why I still have Mom's avocado green fondue pot.  We always had fondue on New Years Eve, or Christmas Eve, when there was a long wait for a late night church service or for Dick Clark's midnight TV special.  It takes hours to eat fondue, since every little bite was cooked slowly over the pot.  It was a good way to pass the time, so we continue the tradition today!

1974, New Year's Eve fondue-
everyone  is enjoying the fun of cooking in the pot!

2004, we introduce Hubby's parents, from Spain, to fondue.
My Father-in-law had a sandwich! 
It was taking too long for him to cook his own tidbits!

2009, New Year's Eve in Londonderry.
We have the same old green fondue pot,
but we've added a small chocolate fondue, too, for dessert!
Heather Wilkinson Rojo


  1. It's the special traditions that no one else has that makes family memories so special! We used to have an avocado green stove in the 70's - so chic!! ;-)

  2. I bought a fondue pot a few years ago after lusting after them - and that's as far as I got with it. It's still unused - maybe I'll break it out for New Years Eve. I'm always game for new traditions.

  3. What a fun tradition. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I remember fondue and loved it, but it's been ages. Like how Vincent uses that timer, at least you are all in the picture.

  5. Thanks for all the comments! Barb, yes, he uses the timer a lot so everyone can be in the photo. Same view in all the pictures.
    Kellie, try out the fondue, it's easy because you just set out the food and everyone cooks it themselves! We do shrimp, cubes of steak, mushrooms, scallops, etc. Except in the chocolate fondue!

  6. When my husband and I were first married, we got a fondue pot, and I remember we made fondue a New Year's tradition for several years. Can't remember why we stopped doing that; maybe I'll see if we can resurrect the old pot this year!
