
Monday, May 30, 2011

Carnival of Genealogy- Annual Swimsuit Edition


I wanted to participate in the Annual Swimsuit Edition of the Carnival of Genealogy for the past two years, but my ancestors were pretty Puritan when it came to the beach.  We lived on Massachusett's North Shore when I was growing up, right where my ancestors landed in the 1620s and 1630s in Beverly, near beautiful beaches in Gloucester, Ipswich and Manchester-by-the-Sea.  But no one has any photos of my grandparents or their ancestors in bathing costumes.  More typically, when they went to the beach they looked like the photo to the right (my great grandparents Arthur and Etta Hitchings in the 1930s at Gloucester, Massachusetts).  They are covered head to toe with clothes!

And so you will have to do with a photo taken in 1965, at Lynch Park beach in Beverly, Massachusetts of yours truly, and my baby sister and Mom (who isn't even in a bathing suit!)   I think this photo is the last time I was ever in a bikini!

This post was submitted for the 4th Annual Swimsuit Edition of the Carnival of Genealogy at     The permanant link for the 4th Annual Swimsuit Edition is

Copyright 2011, Heather Wilkinson Rojo


  1. Looks like a painting. Your mother must have spent a lot of time on your hair, it was perfect...what a mom.

  2. I had those braids until middle school. I would stand on a chair and she would brush and braid them (until I was too tall for that!). When she cut them off, they were 18" long. She had them in her hope chest for years, now I have them in mine.

  3. Those colours are so typical of 70s photos, you almost have to think everything was tinted that way back then. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I love the photo of your great-grandparents. It seems to have been very common a century ago for people to have gone to the beach fully clothed. I wonder if your g-grandparents went swimming in the clothes they're wearing in the photo.

    What an adorable little girl you were, Heather!

  5. The second one does look like a painting. I think I may have one photo of one grandfather in swimming trunks but the rest were fully clothed even at the lake.

  6. Does look like a painting, thanks for sharing
