
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Weathervane Wednesday ~ A Red Apple

Weathervane Wednesday is an on-going series of photographs I post weekly, usually of weather vanes in the Nutfield, New Hampshire area, but sometimes they can be from anywhere. Occasionally they are elsewhere in New England, or very historical weather vanes from anywhere else. Sometimes my weather vanes are whimsical, but all are interesting. Often, my readers tip me off to some very unique and unusual weathervanes, too! Today's weathervane is from Hollis, New Hampshire.

Do you know the location of weather vane #109? Scroll down to the bottom to see the answer!

Today's weather vane was photographed at the Brookdale Fruit Farm in Hollis, New Hampshire.  This weather vane is painted red, which is fairly uncommon in New Hampshire.  Since most weather vanes are placed in inconvenient places like on top of cupolas or steeples, it is hard to maintain the paint on a weather vane.

The Brookdale Fruit Farm specializes in apples, thus the bright red apple weather vane.  They also grow lots of other yummy produce, including all sorts of fruits and berries.  The farm is more than 165 years old, and were founded in 1847 by Edwin Hardy. The orchards were first planted in 1910, and in the past few years dwarf trees have been the staple fruit trees at Brookdale Farm.  The farm store, shown here, sells produce, baked goods, flowers, plants, honey, cheeses and you-name-it! 

Brookdale Fruit Farm website 

Click here to see the entire collection of Weathervane Wednesday posts!


Copyright 2013, Heather Wilkinson Rojo

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