
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tombstone Tuesday ~ Brown, at Manchester, New Hampshire

This gravestone was photographed at the Pine Grove Cemetery in Manchester, New Hampshire.

The broken wheel is a symbol of a the end of the circle of life.  It is also appropriate here because it is the grave of Charles I. Brown (1859 -1914), a Manchester carriage maker and woodworker.  He lived at 999 Auburn Street and died at the Elliott Hospital.  This is ironic because Auburn Street no longer exists, and was approximately where the parking garage of the Elliott now exists.

Other people also buried here at the Brown family plot are Charles's wife, Myrna A. Jacobs (1862-1947), and his children (Nina Brown, Florence Brown, Ethel Brown wife of A. W. McLaskey, Rev. Roland Brown and his wife Marcia F.).


Copyright 2013, Heather Wilkinson Rojo

1 comment:

  1. I have seen many tombstone but design of this tombstone is totally unique.
