
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Weathervane Wednesday ~ Above a New Hampshire Inn

Weathervane Wednesday is an on-going series of photographs I post weekly.  I started by publishing weather vanes from the Londonderry, New Hampshire area, but now I've been finding interesting weather vanes all across New England.  Sometimes my weather vanes are whimsical, or historical, but all are interesting. Often, my readers tip me off to some very unique and unusual weather vanes, too! If you know an interesting or historical weathervane, please let me know.

Today's weather vane is from New Hampshire.

Do you know the location of weather vane #181? Scroll down to the bottom to see the answer!

Today's weather vane was photographed at the Bedford Village Inn in Bedford, New Hampshire.  It is a large three dimensional sheep, visible from quite a distance away from the inn.   We had our anniversary dinner there this summer, and spotted this weather vane for the first time.  There was a thunderstorm and monsoons of rain during our dinner, so we came back later on a sunny day to get this photograph!

The Bedford Village Inn sits on land that was granted to John McLaughlin, the first town clerk of Bedford, New Hampshire.  His brother Gordon cleared the land in 1774 and settled here. He went off to serve in the Revolutionary War, and after his return he built the farmhouse here in 1810. You can read the entire history of this property, and how it became the inn and restaurant, at the link below.

The Bedford Village Inn website   

Click here to see the entire series of Weathervane Wednesday posts!  

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Copyright (c) 2014, Heather Wilkinson Rojo

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