
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Who will be the millionth reader?

Who will it be?  Sometime overnight someone out there will view the millionth page view of my blog.  I noticed a few weeks ago that the numbers were getting close to a million. True Lewis on Facebook wondered aloud “Who will it be?”  That got me to wondering…

Will it be my Mom? She was one of my first fans.  She reads almost every blog post and lets me know if there are edits to be made.  She was one of the first people to accompany me on genealogy trips around Massachusetts to gather vital records when I was just a teenager.  She has a great curiosity about the family tree.  Mom was my first fan.

Will it be extended family?  I have lots of first cousins who read this blog, like Sue and Cheryl, and Uncles and Aunts.  Some are new readers, and some have been reading it all along.  Perhaps one of these cousins will be the millionth reader?

Will it be more distant family?  I’ve met second and third and fourth cousins through my blog.  These are cousins I never met, and some I never knew about until they commented about common ancestral lines. And then there are the really distant cousins who read my blog.  Mayflower cousins like Harry  and Penny, and cousins I’ve met through blogging like Bill West, Barbara Poole and Betty Huber Tartas and many, many others.

Will it be a Googler?  It’s fun to receive comments from people who just find my blog by accident.  Some of these are Googling specific surnames or localities.  Some are students working on homework. You never know what will happen with Google.  Perhaps the millionth reader will be here by sheer chance?

Will it be a serious researcher?  Some of these researchers have contacted me from faraway places such as Ireland, Spain and England.  I love knowing that my blog has an international reach! There is a lot of serious interest in the Nutfield Ulster Presbyterian settlers from people in  Northern Ireland.  Welcome to my blog!

Will it be a genealogist sitting at home in pajamas and slippers, sipping a cup of hot tea, and searching online far into the night.  Perhaps this is YOU right now?

Which one is YOU? Which one will be the millionth viewer?

The URL for this post is
Copyright © 2014, Heather Wilkinson Rojo


  1. This is exciting! Can't wait to hear of your million hit!

    1. Nice to hear from you, Jeanne. It is 9:59 am and the count is at 999,797

  2. Congratulations! I love your blog because it is so diverse in the topics it covers. Your large readership is well-earned!

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Pam. The time is now almost noon and I have had 999,911 page views!

  3. Wow, this is really great! Congrats on getting to this milestone.
    So I was encouraged to try my hand at this and jumped into the abyss. But frankly I'm not sure if I set it up to connect from the blogspot to Google+
    Can you tell me if it looks right? Would appreciate comments from the quintessential blogger!

    1. I enjoyed your new blog! I left a comment there for you.

  4. It will be interesting to see who it is . . . enjoyed your post Heather! I am sitting here with a cup of tea by the way!

  5. We're all waiting!! I'm sure by now you've hit 1 Million views, Heather. How exciting. Your blog was one of the first I started following a few years ago when I started here...

    1. Yes, I hit the millionth page view sometime before 3pm on Sunday. I missed it when I went out to lunch. I have no idea who it was, but it's fun to imagine!
