
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Thinking Day! Memories of the Girl Scouting Exhibits at the Rochester Fair

Derry News, 2002, (exact date unknown), Derry, New Hampshire

A Brownie Girl Scout with her award
at the Rochester Fair, September 2003

The exhibit barns at the Rochester, New Hampshire Fairgrounds

In 2015 the Rochester Fair will be celebrating its 140th anniversary! When I was a Girl Scout leader I brought our troop to the fair for several years because the Rochester Fair is one of the few agricultural fairs in the country that has a special exhibit for Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, and awards ribbons and premiums for winning exhibits in campcrafts, canning, sewing, photography, badgework, artwork and other categories.  The barn you see closest to you in the photo above is used for the Scouting exhibits.  As a Girl Scout leader and volunteer, my husband won a purple ribbon for this photograph in 2000.  

Over the years the girls in my troop won ribbons and prize money for sewing, cooking, photography, science projects and other exhibits.  As a troop they also worked on canning projects together and submitted them in the troop category, and won two purple ribbons! 

On Thinking Day, February 22nd, the mutual birthday of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell,  Scouts and Guides all over the world think of each other, learn about Scouting worldwide, and remember their favorite Scouting memories.  Our troop's participation in the Rochester Fair was always one of my favorite memories as a Girl Scout leader. 

The Rochester Fair  -  

This webpage shows you the many, many categories of exhibits open to Scouts at the Rochester Fair, it's hard to add them all up!

Prize winning Girl Scout Concord Grape Jam! 

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Copyright (c) 2015, Heather Wilkinson Rojo

1 comment:

  1. I love the judging criteria, explained so clearly in the first article pictured in this post. What a great way to encourage the Scouts!
