
Friday, July 17, 2015

Vintage Baby Shower Gift

My mother always thinks of clever gifts.  For my daughter's baby shower she asked me to print out two vintage photos.  They were of me, as a baby, in a knitted snowsuit made by my Auntie Mamie ( Mary Cecilia (Horgan) Allen- 1929 - 1997).   Mom had saved them all this time in her hope chest.

The guests all applauded when my daughter opened the gift and pulled out the original knitted baby clothes that went with the photograph!

Here are the original photos below, circa 1962

My mother and I with Auntie Mamie's knitted snowsuit


Heather Wilkinson Rojo,  "Vintage Baby Shower Gift", Nutfield Genealogy,  posted July 17, 2015, (, accessed [access date]).


  1. Your mother had such a fantastic idea. I bet you loved seeing the snow suit again. I hope you will be able to use it for your baby.


  2. Love the old photos and the fact that the snowsuit can be enjoyed by a new generation. Very cute!

  3. Great photos, great story, wonderful way to be sure the stories (and heirlooms) are known to future generations! Congrats!
