
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Weathervane Wednesday - A Russian Bomber?

Today's weathervanes were spotted by a reader.  Can anyone add a back story (or any other information) to these mysterious weathervanes?  They are two of the most unique and unusual weathervanes I've seen.

These two weathervanes were spotted by Steve LeBel of New Hampshire.  He was on his way to visit Oldham Cemetery in Peru, Maine (my kind of field trip!) when he passed Greenwoods Road near Worthy Pond.  He spotted these weathervanes and took these photographs.  Both were located on the same property, and Steve guessed that "The owner has to be an aviation fan" and that "I believe it is a Russian TU-95 Bear that has been in service since 1956".

Steve also said "Having been in the Air Force during the Cold War, those planes were an icon of the Soviet Empire, our then enemy.  This plane is back in the news because it was used against ISIS in Syria... Here is an interesting link:  The plane on the cement post was set far back in the middle of the yard.  I believe the one on the building was a garage.  I was amazed by the accuracy and size of the planes. A rough guess is that they were about 6 feet long."

Does anyone out there know more about these weathervanes of the Russian bombers?

Photographs courtesy of Steve LeBel


Heather Wilkinson Rojo and Steve LeBel, "Weathervane Wednesday - A Russian Bomber?", Nutfield Genealogy, posted May 15, 2019, ( accessed [access date]).

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