
Saturday, July 27, 2019

Happy 10th Blogoversary to Nutfield Genealogy!

Ten years ago I started the Nutfield Genealogy blog.  I didn't know that I would be still be writing this so many years later.  I didn't know that I would make so many new genealogy and local history friends through this blog.  I didn't know that it would lead to me speaking at local events.  I didn't know that I would still be finding so many more things to write about my ancestors.  Surprise! 

Thank you to Vincent, for the wonderful photography you see here at Nutfield Genealogy, and for accompanying me on on all those cemetery tours, visits to archives, and other "genea-jaunts". Now that he is retired I might get him to write a guest blog or two. 

Thank you to all of you who read my blog, especially those of you who write comments and emails. Without the support from the public, many of you I've never met, I don't think I would still be blogging today. 

Thank you to my family, too.  Especially those of you who give me story ideas, read my blog faithfully, send family photos, and put up with my constant questions and inquiries! 

Let's see how many more years this will continue!


Heather Wilkinson Rojo, "Happy 10th Blogoversary to Nutfield Genealogy!", Nutfield Genealogy, posted July 27, 2019, ( accessed [access date]). 


  1. Congrats on your 10th Blogiverary!

  2. Congratulations on your 10th - that's a milestone blogiversary for sure!

  3. Happy 10th Blogiversary to Nutfield Genealogy and to you Heather.

  4. Happy Blogiversary! Here's to another ten years!

  5. Thanks, Bill, Donna, Cathy, Linda, Kristin, and to everyone who left messages on the Facebook group and via email!

  6. Woohoo! Happy 10th to you and Nutfield Genealogy. Love your blog!

  7. A huge milestone in the blogosphere! Congratulations!!!

  8. Wow - 10 years is def worthy of a celebratory dessert! Enjoy!

  9. Happy Blogiversary! Here's to many more!
