
Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Bucket List Genea Meme Revisited 2021


Back in 2012 Jill Ball, the blogger at Geniaus ,  had started a meme that was rather fun.  She encouraged us to list our favorite genealogy bucket list items.  I played along, and posted it online at this link:  

I recently revisited this old blog post, and it was fun to see what I put down nine years ago. For #1 I mentioned RootsTech as a conference I wanted to attend - and I'm proud to say that we went to RootsTech 2013 the very next year.  That also meant that #16 (the library I most wanted to visit) could be crossed off my bucket list, too, because I visited the Salt Lake City Family History Library while we were at RootsTech.  I even met Jill Ball at that RootsTech conference - win win for everyone! 

Several other items could cross off my bucket list were #6 (I went to the Netherlands in 2017), #9 for a place of worship I'd like to visit (I saw St. Pieter's Kirk in Leiden in 2017), which also meant that #11 (an ancestral town I'd like to visit and I wrote down Leiden) can be crossed off, too.  

#10 was the cemetery I most wanted to visit, and I had listed the Westminister Memorial Park in California where my grandparents were buried.  I was fortunate to visit there in 2015. 

The tech toy I most wanted back then was an iPad (#14) and I got one soon after that blog post.  The most expensive book I wanted then (#15) was The Great Migration series by Robert Charles Anderson, which is now on my bookshelf.  

It's time to revisit this list!

Here is my 2021 version of the Bucket List Genea Meme.  Some items are still the same, some have been updated, some crossed off on my old list.  Please post your list on your blog or in the comments below!  Jill's old rules were:

Things you would like to do: Bold Type

Things you haven't done or don't care to do: plain type


1.    The genealogy conference I would most like to attend -   The Southern California Genealogy Society Jamboree  (I've been twice, and liked it more than any other conference I've attended)

2.    The genealogy speaker I would most like to hear and see is - Judy Russell (yes, I've heard her, met her, had dinner with her, but can't get enough!)

3.  The geneablogger I would most like to meet in person is - still Kathleen Brandt from a3Genealogy (we still have not connected in person after all these years)

4.  The genealogy writer I would most like to have dinner with is - Robert Charles Anderson  (I think my old choice of Elizabeth Shown Mills would scare me now if we discussed genealogy)

5. The genealogy lecture I would most like to present is - Anything Mayflower (yes, I've gotten over my fear of speaking in public)

6.  I would like to go on a genealogy cruise that visits Scotland (I've now done the Netherlands which was on my old bucket list)

7.  The photo I would most like to find is - still my great grandmother Isabella Bill

8.  The repository in a foreign land I would like most to visit - is still the British National Archives

9.  The place of worship I would most like to visit is All Soul's in Leeds, Yorkshire where my grandmother worshipped before coming to the USA in 1915. 

10.  The cemetery I would like most to visit is - Forest Hills Cemetery in Boston (Just before the pandemic I found several ancestors and relatives buried there, so this should be easy!)

11.  The ancestral town or village I would like most to visit is Leeds, Yorkshire, England. 

12.  The brick wall I most want to smash is Elizabeth Lambert's (1775 - 1834) ancestry (my 5x great grandmother from Boston)  Still on the list.

13.  The piece of software I most want to buy - nothing comes to mind.

14.  The tech toy I want to purchase next is - a NEW iPad.

15.  The expensive book I would most like to buy is - nothing comes to mind.  I just received a bunch of nice books. 

16.  The library I would most like to visit is -  NEHGS (the New England Historic Genealogical Society) after the pandemic!  

17.  The genealogy related book I would like most to write is (still) Descendants of Thomas Wilkinson

18.  The genealogy blog I would most like to start would be about - (No other plans for more blogs)

19.  The journal article I would like most to write would be about - no plans to write an article

20.  The ancestor I would most like to meet in the afterlife is - probably my Dad


To Cite/Link to this post:  Heather Wilkinson Rojo, "Bucket List Genea Meme Revisited 2021", Nutfield Genealogy, posted May 4, 2021, ( accessed [access date]). 


  1. This post reminded me of all I do not know. I would not know how to answer many of these questions because I am not familiar with the options.

  2. If you ever come to Boston to visit Forest Hills Cemetery, do let me know. I've got several ancestors buried there and it's a lovely place to walk around! I haven't been there in awhile.
