
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Weathervane Wednesday ~ Above City Hall

Weathervane Wednesday is an on-going series of photographs I post weekly.  I started by publishing weather vanes from the Londonderry area, but now I've been finding interesting weather vanes all across New England.  Sometimes my weather vanes are whimsical, or historical, but all are interesting. Often, my readers tip me off to some very unique and unusual weather vanes, too!

Today's weather vane is from a city hall somewhere in New Hampshire.

Do you know the location of weather vane #190? Scroll down to see the answer!

Today's weather vane was photographed on the steeple above the Concord, New Hampshire City Hall.  This building is on Green Street directly behind the State House and the legislative office buildings.  The weathervane is a style known as a "scroll weathervane", which is common on churches and civic buildings. The scroll is a fancier version of the banner or flag style of weathervane.  The scroll work has designs or filigree cut out and it looks nice silhouetted against the sky. 

Concord's City Hall was built in 1898 and was renovated in 2001. 

Concord, New Hampshire City Government website     

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Copyright (c) 2015, Heather Wilkinson Rojo

1 comment:

  1. Heather: Thanks for sparking some pleasant memories. I lived in Concord for several years while growing up and one of the schools I attended was the late Kimball School (demolished just a few years ago) that was located only a couple of blocks away from City Hall. I recall walking by this building quite often when we used to visit the little store in the tunnel between the State House and another state building (where the State Police HQ was at the time if I recall correctly). Locals knew of the store and the candy and snack prices were quite good! ;-) Of course it did not have the handmade quality and variety that the Granite State Candy shop did a block or two away! I still recall the large, rectangular aluminum pans on the counter tops at Granite State that contained all sorts of colorful thin mints for the choosing and purchase. The mints and the rock candy were very popular among the school kids at the time (the early 1960s).
