
Monday, July 25, 2016

Transcription of an Early Nutfield Map

Last week I published a blog post about the first plots of land granted to families in Nutfield It was an extremely popular post, generating over 1000 hits in just a few days.  There were lots of comments on Facebook and email about the early Nutfield families and their surnames.  A reader asked about the names on the map I used to illustrate this post.  This map was taken from Willey’s Book of Nutfield.  She couldn’t read the tiny handwriting and she wanted to know the names.  Below I will transcribe the names from this map.

On the left side of the map (South):

James and John Doak. Nutfield.
Sixty Acres laid out Sept. 29, 1720
Recorded Oct 1, 1720

Henry Green. Nutfield
Sixty acres laid out 1720
Recorded October 8, 1722

Abel Merrill. Nutfield
Sixty acres laid out 1720

Robert Doak.  Nutfield

Alexander Walker. Nutfield
Sixty acres laid out 1720
Recorded Dec.ber. 9, 1725

Alexander Walker. Nutfield
Sixty acres laid out 1720
Recorded Dec.ber 9, 1725

John Clark.  Nutfield
Sixty acres laid out 1720
Recorded Dec. 25, 1720

James Anderson.  Nutfield
Sixty acres laid out 1720
Recorded March 2, 1721

James Alexander.  Nutfield
Sixty acres laid out Feb. 1719
Recorded Nov. 5, 1720

James Morrison. Nutfileld
Sixty acres laid out Feb. 1719
Recorded Nov. 5, 1720

John Mitchell. Nutfield
Sixty acres laid out 1720
Recorded May 24, 1721

Archilbald Clendennen.  Nutfield
Sixty acres laid out March 15, 1719
Recorded April 4, 1729

John Barnard.  Nutfield
Sixty acres laid out March 15, 1719
Recorded April 4, 1720

James McKeen and Sons.  Nutfield
One hundred and twenty six acres
Laid out August 5, 1719
Recorded July 20, 1720

Jonathan Tyler. Nutfield
Forty-five acres
Laid out Sept 20, 1720
Recorded Sept. 28, 1720

Down the middle of the map are a road and a brook running north to south

The road is labeled “Road laid out by the selectmen June 1, 1723”
The brook is labeled “West running brook along which the first sixteen families settled”

To the right of the brook (North) are two parcels.  The western parcel is labeled “John McConoghy. Sixty acres laid out in Nutfield 1720.  Recorded Feb. 15, 1722”  and the other is labeled “Common Field”

Next, to the north are plots laid out west to east:

James Gregg
Two lots of sixty acres each
Laid out in Nutfield 1720
Recorded July 13, 1720

John Gregg
Sixty acres laid out in
Nutfield March 1720
Recorded July 13, 1720

James Clark
Sixty acres laid out in
Nutfield 1720
Recorded Dec. 25, 1720

James Nesmith
Sixty acres laid out in
Nutfield Feb. 5, 1720
Recoded Oct. 4, 1720

Revd. James McGregor
Sixty acres in Nutfield
Laid out in 1720
Recorded March 24, 1720

Allen Anderson

Robert Wear
Sixty acres laid out in
Nutfield Aug.  1719
Recorded July 20, 1720

John Morrison
Sixty acres laid out in
Nutfield March 1720
Recorded July 20, 1720

Samuel Allison
Sixty acres laid out in
Nutfield 1720
Recorded March 22, 1720

Thomas Steele

John Stewart
Fifty one acres laid out in
Nutfield 1720
Recorded Feb. 25, 1722

Across the map running south to north is a road labeled “Road laid out June 1, 1723”
There is a road running north of the brook labeled “Road laid out Oct. 23, 1723”
North of the plots of land are several landmarks labeled “Beaver River and Meadow”,  “Gristmill”,  “Sawmill” June 7, 1719” and  “Meeting house January 11, 1720”

At the top of the map is a compass and a label that reads:
“Prepared and drawn
By Revd. J. G. MacMurphy
All rights reserved”
And a  line labeled “one hundred rods” for scale.

You can find the recordings of these plots of land in the book Early Records of the Town of Londonderry, Windham and Derry, NH. 1719 – 1745, edited by George Waldo Brown, Manchester, NH:  Manchester Historic Association, 1914.  For example on pages 20 and 21 you can see the following entry for Jonathan Tyler’s plot of land:

Nutfield septem ye 20th 1720
Laid out to Jonathan Tyler by order of the Comity of Nutfield afore said a Lott of Land Containing fourty five acres which is to made up sixty acres in the first draught of the Common Lands buted and bounded as followeth beginning at the nor west Corner at a stake and heep of stons from then runing a due south line by marked tres and Joyning all the way upon mr Mc Keens Lott unto Leverets farm from thence running a due east line thirty Rhod to the bounds first mentioned to gather with an intrest in the Common or undevided Lands within the said township equal to oather lotts in said Town

James mc Keen
James Gregg
Samu Graves
Robart Wear
John Moreson
John Goffe
Recorded this 28 September 1720  Pr John Goffe Town Clerke

 To make this map easier to read I have rotated it 45 degrees from the original view so that the handwriting can be read from left to right.  You can also download the map (which is a JPG file) and then zoom in to read the handwriting.  This map is from page 8 of Willey's Book of Nutfield, by George Frankly Willey, 1869, which can be read online at this link:


Heather Wilkinson Rojo, "Transcription of an Early Nutfield Map", Nutfield Genealogy, posted July 25, 2016, (  accessed [access date]).

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