World War II Honor Roll, Gaylordsville, Connecticut by Patti Crispo |
The Honor Roll Project collects transcriptions and photographs of military monuments with the names of military veterans from parks, schools, civic buildings, books and other places all over the USA and abroad. You can see the complete list of Honor Roll contributions to this project at this link:
The Honor Roll Project https://honorrollproject.weebly.com/
Twice a year, for Memorial Day and for Veterans Day, genealogy bloggers photograph and transcribe these honor rolls, and publish them on the internet. The act of transcribing these names makes them available to be found by search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo and others. Family members searching online for genealogical or military information on relatives, ancestors or friends will be able to see the honor rolls, read the names, and learn about their family's military history.
From the thousands of names transcribed by Jenny Hawran , and the thousands of names transcribed by Schalene Dagutis over many months this winter, to the tiny little memorial in Gosport, Indiana by Diana Anderson, all are important honor rolls for their communities. Today we have contributions from three countries- USA, Canada and the United Kingdom. All are important finds for anyone searching for ancestors online.
It is a simple project, and it brings unexpected joy to searchers who did not know their ancestors were in the military, or did not know the specific military history, or sometimes they did not even know the town where their ancestors lived. Seeing their family member's name on an honor roll can be the beginning of finding more genealogy data, military records and historical information.
Here are this year's volunteer contributions. Please thank them for their hard work by leaving comments on their individual blog posts.
Norwalk, World War I (part 6) by Christine McCloud
Windsor, WWII Casualties by Jenny Hawran
Windsor, WWI by Jenny Hawran
Windsor, National Service at Grace Church by Jenny Hawran
Deerfield, The Deerfield Academy WWII by Sara Campbell
Heath, Veterans Memorials (Revolutionary War, 1812, Civil
War, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Panama, Desert Storm, Bosnia, Afghanistan, and
Veterans serving between conflicts) by
Sara Campbell
Pigeon Cove, Rockport, WWII, by Heather Wilkinson Rojo
Winchester, WWI, by Karen Ramon
New Hampshire
Portsmouth, World War I, by June Stearns Butka
Baldwin, WWI, WWI, Korea, Vietnam, by Anna Matthews
Baldwin, WWII, by Anna Matthews
Bethpage, WWI, Vietnam, by Anna Matthews
Blenheim, Revolution, War of 1812, Muster Roll after 1812, Military Roll 1853, Civil War, WWI, WWII, Military Service after WWII, Korea, Military Service after Korea, Vietnam, by Schalene Dagutis
East Rockaway,WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and Persian Gulf,
and Sept. 11th, by Anna Matthews
Freeport, Civil War, Spanish American, WWI, WWII, Korea, and
Vietnam, by Anna Matthews
Fulton, Revolution, War of 1812, Civil War, Spanish-American, WWI, WWII, Cold War, Korea, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, Iraq, Others, by Schalene Dagutis
Lynbrook, WWII, Korea, Vietnam by Anna Matthews
Malverne, all wars and September 11th, by Anna
Richmond Hill, WWI, by Anna Matthews
North Hatley, WWI, WWII, Korea, by Anna Matthews
United Kingdom
WWI, and other military service from Manchester UK by Marian
Burk Wood
Please consider volunteering to help The Honor Roll Project. Just photograph an honor roll, transcribe the names, and post these on your blog. Send me a comment below, or an email at vrojomit@gmail.com I will add your contribution to The Honor Roll Project website at any time of the year.
The Honor Roll Project http://honorrollproject.weebly.com/
Heather Wilkinson Rojo, "Memorial Day 2019 Honor Roll Contributions", Nutfield Genealogy, posted May 27, 2019, ( https://nutfieldgenealogy.blogspot.com/2019/05/memorial-day-2019-honor-roll.html: accessed [access date]).