Virtual Genealogy Events in New England June 2020
Stay connected while staying safe at home! Scheduled events are listed first, and
ongoing programs online are listed below (just scroll down). Some events are free, and some online classes
have fees. Most are open to the
For last minute additions, please email me at and I can edit this
post, and also check the Nutfield Genealogy Facebook page at
May 30, Saturday, 10am, Sara Campbell presents a webinar
“You Can Write Your Family Story” sponsored by the Merrimack Valley Chapter of
the Massachusetts Society of Genealogists, MSOG Inc. Free to the public. Please register here:
May 30, Saturday, 2pm, Virtual Tour: Dead People I Have Met
with Rob Velella, hosted by Mount Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge,
Massachusetts. Free to the public,
please reserve your “ticket” through Eventbrite.
June 2, Tuesday, 1pm, A Soldier's Life Virtual Program: Equipment and Food, hosted by Fort Ticonderoga. This 45 minute presentation will explore how the soldiers survived during the Revolutionary War.
June 2, Tuesday, 1pm, A Soldier's Life Virtual Program: Equipment and Food, hosted by Fort Ticonderoga. This 45 minute presentation will explore how the soldiers survived during the Revolutionary War.
June 2, Tuesday, 4pm, Return to the Catskills, presented by
Phil Brown, Founder and President of the Catskills Institute. This is a Wyner
Family Jewish Heritage Center Event sponsored by the New England Historic
Genealogical Society. Free to the public. Register here:
June 2, Tuesday, 8pm, Sources for Landed and Titled People
hosted by Family Tree Webinars, and presented by Paul Milner.
June 3, Wednesday, 4pm, Family Search: Records Innovations,
hosted by Family Search at Facebook Live. Presented by Ty Davies.
June 3, Wednesday, 5:30pm, Picturing Political Power: Images
in the Women’s Suffrage Movement, an online program with Allison K. Lange,
Wentworth Institute of Technology, in conversation with Catherine Allgor of the
Massachusetts Historical Society.
Sponsored by MHS. Register here
for free:
June 3, Wednesday, 6:30pm – 9pm, Getting Started on with
Family History: The US Census, hosted by Charter Oak Genealogy and the Russell
Library. Registration and more information is available at
June 4, Thursday, 3pm, Picture It: The Women's Suffrage Movement, hosted by the American Antiquarian Society, and presented by Allison K. Lange in conversation with Allison Horrocks and Mary Mahoney. Free to the public, but registration is required.
June 4, Thursday, 3pm, Picture It: The Women's Suffrage Movement, hosted by the American Antiquarian Society, and presented by Allison K. Lange in conversation with Allison Horrocks and Mary Mahoney. Free to the public, but registration is required.
June 4, Thursday, 3pm, Virtual (Online) Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps for Genealogy, hosted by the Central Library of Buffalo, New York. Presented by Jeanette Sheliga. This class will held virtually using Zoom. Please sign up ahead of time at this link:
June 4, Thursday, 7pm, Researching Indigenous Ancestors in Northern Ontario, Canada, presented by Jenna Lemay.
June 4, Thursday, 7pm, Researching Indigenous Ancestors in Northern Ontario, Canada, presented by Jenna Lemay.
June 4, Thursday, 8pm, The Lost Soul of the American
Presidency: The Decline into Demagoguery and the Prospects for Renewal,
presented by Stephen F. Knott, author, and hosted by History Camp. At History Camp Online Facebook page,
and archived later at the website
June 5, Friday, 2pm, Laid Waste! The Culture of Exploitation
in Early America, by John Lauritz Larson of Purdue University, hosted by the
Massachusetts Historical Society.
Register here for free:
June 5, Friday, 4pm, Ireland's Great Famine in Irish-American History: Fateful Memory, Indelible Legacy, a Humanities to Go Online presentation hosted by the New Hampshire Humanities Council. Presented by author Dr. Mary Kelly. Free to the public. You can join by phone or computer using the free Zoom software. Register here:
June 5, Friday, 4pm, Ireland's Great Famine in Irish-American History: Fateful Memory, Indelible Legacy, a Humanities to Go Online presentation hosted by the New Hampshire Humanities Council. Presented by author Dr. Mary Kelly. Free to the public. You can join by phone or computer using the free Zoom software. Register here:
June 5, Friday, 4pm,
Special Webinar: The English
Garden: Perfection on Earth, sponsored by the New England Historic Genealogical
Society, and presented by Curt DiCamillo, FRSA, Curator of Special Collections.
Free to the public. Register here:
June 6, Saturday, 9:30am, Overlooked Municipal Records (The Secrets of My DPW Vault), hosted by the Worcester County chapter of the Massachusetts Society of Genealogists. Presented by Sara Campbell. Free to the public. Register at this link:
June 8, Monday, 3pm, Isaiah Thomas's Apprenticeship: The Labor and Value of Children's Literature, hosted by the American Antiquarian Society. Presented by Karen Sanchez-Eppler. This online event is free, but registration is required. You will be sent an email with a link and instructions upon registration:
June 8, Monday, 6pm, The Art of Mourning Jewelry - A Virtual Event, hosted by King's Chapel and the Mount Auburn Cemetery. Presented by metalsmith and collector Sarah Nehama. Pre-registration is required by contacting or registering at this link:
June 6, Saturday, 9:30am, Overlooked Municipal Records (The Secrets of My DPW Vault), hosted by the Worcester County chapter of the Massachusetts Society of Genealogists. Presented by Sara Campbell. Free to the public. Register at this link:
June 8, Monday, 3pm, Isaiah Thomas's Apprenticeship: The Labor and Value of Children's Literature, hosted by the American Antiquarian Society. Presented by Karen Sanchez-Eppler. This online event is free, but registration is required. You will be sent an email with a link and instructions upon registration:
June 8, Monday, 6pm, The Art of Mourning Jewelry - A Virtual Event, hosted by King's Chapel and the Mount Auburn Cemetery. Presented by metalsmith and collector Sarah Nehama. Pre-registration is required by contacting or registering at this link:
June 8, Monday, 6pm, An American Inspiration Author Event –
Honor Moore with Our Revolution: A Mother and Daughter at Mid-Century, presented
in partnership with the New England Historic Genealogical Society, the Boston
Public Library, and the State Library of Massachusetts. Free to the public. Register here:
June 8, Monday, 7pm, The New York Gateway: Immigration,
Emigration, and Migration, hosted by the New York Genealogical and Biographical
Society. Presented by Jane E.
Wilcox. This Online Webinar requires
registration at this link:
June 10, Wednesday, 1pm, Living History at Home: What is Juneteenth? Hosted by the New York Historical Society. Register via Zoom at this link:
June 10, Wednesday, 1pm, Living History at Home: What is Juneteenth? Hosted by the New York Historical Society. Register via Zoom at this link:
June 10, Wednesday, 6pm, Using DNA to Answer Real Research
Question: three Case Studies by Gail
Blankenau, hosted by Family Tree Webinars.
Presented by Gail Shaffer Blanenau.
June 10, Wednesday 6pm, Baxter Lecture with Francis J.
Bremer: The Unappreciated Role of Women
in the Shaping of Puritanism, sponsored by the New England Historic
Genealogical Society and the Boston Public Library. Register by Wednesday May
27 at 10am. Email for more registration
June 10, Wednesday, 7pm, Finding Uncle Frank: Buried Under the Wrong Name, hosted by the Chicopee Public Library, and presented by genealogist Julie Szcezepankiewicz. Julie will share how she discovered the identity of a Polish-American soldier buried under the wrong name. To receive an invitation to this online talk please email the library at or call M-F between 9am and 4pm at 413-594-1800 ext. 3.
June 11, Thursday, 2pm, William Bradford and Plymouth: The View from 400 Years, hosted by the Boston Public Library. Presented by Dr. Francis J. Bremer. This online lecture is free to the first 120 people who register. Please register here:
June 11, Thursday, 3pm, First Steps in Family History, hosted by the New England Historic Genealogical Society, and presented by Ann Lawthers. Free to the public. Register here:
June 10, Wednesday, 7pm, Finding Uncle Frank: Buried Under the Wrong Name, hosted by the Chicopee Public Library, and presented by genealogist Julie Szcezepankiewicz. Julie will share how she discovered the identity of a Polish-American soldier buried under the wrong name. To receive an invitation to this online talk please email the library at or call M-F between 9am and 4pm at 413-594-1800 ext. 3.
June 11, Thursday, 2pm, William Bradford and Plymouth: The View from 400 Years, hosted by the Boston Public Library. Presented by Dr. Francis J. Bremer. This online lecture is free to the first 120 people who register. Please register here:
June 11, Thursday, 3pm, First Steps in Family History, hosted by the New England Historic Genealogical Society, and presented by Ann Lawthers. Free to the public. Register here:
June 11, Thursday, 5:30pm, Books for Idle Hours: Nineteenth
Century Publishing and the Rise of Summer Reading, presented by Donna
Harrington Lueker of Salve Regina University.
Hosted by the Massachusetts Historical Society. Register here for free:
June 11, Thursday, 6pm, Using Timelines and Tables to Analyze
your Genealogical Research, hosted by the Georgia Genealogical Society, and
presented by Cari A. Taplin, CG. Register at:
June 11, Thursday, 8pm (EDT), History Camp Online Livestream
Session with Don Cygan, historian and author of “No Silent Night: The Christmas
Battle for Batogne”, hosted by History Camp .
At History Camp Online Facebook page,
and archived later at the website
June 13, Saturday, 10am, Genealogy Workshop - Genealogy 101, hosted by the Vermont Historical Society. Presented by Lynn Johnson. This 90 minute workshop is free for Vermont Historical Society and Vermont Genealogy Library members, or $10 session or $25 per series for non-members. Register here:
June 13, Saturday, 10:30am, Adding Spreadsheets to your Genealogy Toolkit, hosted by the Middlesex County chapter of the Massachusetts Society of Genealogists. Presented by Susan O'Connor. Free to the public. Register at this link:
June 13, Saturday, 10am, Genealogy Workshop - Genealogy 101, hosted by the Vermont Historical Society. Presented by Lynn Johnson. This 90 minute workshop is free for Vermont Historical Society and Vermont Genealogy Library members, or $10 session or $25 per series for non-members. Register here:
June 13, Saturday, 10:30am, Adding Spreadsheets to your Genealogy Toolkit, hosted by the Middlesex County chapter of the Massachusetts Society of Genealogists. Presented by Susan O'Connor. Free to the public. Register at this link:
June 16, Tuesday, 4pm, Special Webinar – From Teeming Zion’s
Fertile Womb: The Curious Career of
Judah Monis, presented by Michael Hoberman, sponsored by the Wyner Family
Jewish Heritage Center at the New England Historic Genealogical Society. Free to the public. Register here:
June 16, Tuesday, 6pm, Genealogical Treasures in Irish
Archives, hosted by Family Tree Webinars.
Presented by David Ouimette, CG.
June 16, Tuesday, 6pm, Smarter Search Strategies for Genealogy,
presented by Thomas MacEntee. Register at:
June 16, Tuesday, 7pm, "Investigating a Family Legend" a webinar hosted by the Massachusetts Society of Genealogists. Presented by Erica Voolich. Register here:
June 16, Tuesday, 7pm, "Investigating a Family Legend" a webinar hosted by the Massachusetts Society of Genealogists. Presented by Erica Voolich. Register here:
June 17, Wednesday, noon, Bridging The Gap: Finding Ancestors in the United States between
1780 and 1840, hosted by Family Tree Webinars. Presented by D. Joshua Taylor.
June 17, Wednesday, 6:30 – 7:30pm, Connecticut Genealogy
Research: The Basics, hosted by Charter
Oak Genealogy and the Russell Library. For more information and to register, go to
June 17, Wednesday, 7pm, The Other Census – US State
Censuses, presented by Thomas MacEntee.
Register here:
June 18, Thursday, noon, A Conversation with the Authors- The Rebel and the Tory, hosted by the Vermont Historical Society. Presented by historians and authors Nick Muller and Gary Shattuck about their new book "The Rebel and the Tory: Ethan Allen, Philip Skene, and the Dawn of Vermont". Join on Facebook Live at the Vermont Historical Society page or via Zoom:
June 18, Thursday, 3pm, Getting Started in Portuguese Genealogy, hosted by the New England Historic Genealogical Society, and presented by Rhonda McClure, Senior Genealogist. Free to the public. Register here:
June 18, Thursday, noon, A Conversation with the Authors- The Rebel and the Tory, hosted by the Vermont Historical Society. Presented by historians and authors Nick Muller and Gary Shattuck about their new book "The Rebel and the Tory: Ethan Allen, Philip Skene, and the Dawn of Vermont". Join on Facebook Live at the Vermont Historical Society page or via Zoom:
June 18, Thursday, 3pm, Getting Started in Portuguese Genealogy, hosted by the New England Historic Genealogical Society, and presented by Rhonda McClure, Senior Genealogist. Free to the public. Register here:
June 18, Thursday, 6pm, Seven Proven Strategies for
Identifying Slave Ownership and Reconstructing Families, hosted by the Florida State
Genealogical Society. Presented by Janis
Minor Forte. Register here:
June 19, Friday, 1- 4 pm, Juneteenth 2020 - Music to Celebrate Our Ancestors, hosted by the Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire. This webinar is hosted via Zoom, please register here:
June 19, Friday, 1pm, Boston's 10th Annual Juneteenth Emancipation Oberservance 2020 (Virtual), hosted by the National Center for Afro American Artists, Juneteenth Committee. This event will air on BNN and lives streaming online.
June 19, Friday, 1- 4 pm, Juneteenth 2020 - Music to Celebrate Our Ancestors, hosted by the Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire. This webinar is hosted via Zoom, please register here:
June 19, Friday, 1pm, Boston's 10th Annual Juneteenth Emancipation Oberservance 2020 (Virtual), hosted by the National Center for Afro American Artists, Juneteenth Committee. This event will air on BNN and lives streaming online.
June 20, Online Conference – Researching English Eastern
Canada, sponsored by the New England Historic Genealogical Society, presented
by Sheilagh Doerfler, David Allen Lambert, Judy Lucey, Rhodna R. McClure, and
Melanie McComb. Cost $125. Live Q&A June 20, access June 10 through
September 30. Register here: Full agenda and topics at this link:
June 20, Saturday, 10am, Juneteenth 2020 - The Diet of Our Ancestors, hosted by the Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire. This virtual panel of scholars, featuring special guest Adrian Miller, will explore how history, science, and food connect major events in African American history. This talk will be held via Zoom, please register here:
June 20, Saturday, 10am, Speaking Ill of the Dead: Jerks in Boston History, hosted by the Merrimack Valley chapter of the Massachusetts Society of Genealogists. Presented by Paul Della Valle. GTM attendance link: (no need to register).
June 20, Saturday, noon, Weaving Stories of the Enslaved: Conversation with Karen Hampton, hosted by the Free Soil Arts Collective. This virtual conversation with fiber artist Karen Hampston will be held on Facebook Live.
June 20, Saturday, 10am, Juneteenth 2020 - The Diet of Our Ancestors, hosted by the Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire. This virtual panel of scholars, featuring special guest Adrian Miller, will explore how history, science, and food connect major events in African American history. This talk will be held via Zoom, please register here:
June 20, Saturday, 10am, Speaking Ill of the Dead: Jerks in Boston History, hosted by the Merrimack Valley chapter of the Massachusetts Society of Genealogists. Presented by Paul Della Valle. GTM attendance link: (no need to register).
June 20, Saturday, noon, Weaving Stories of the Enslaved: Conversation with Karen Hampton, hosted by the Free Soil Arts Collective. This virtual conversation with fiber artist Karen Hampston will be held on Facebook Live.
June 20, Saturday, 5:30pm, The Three Cornered War: The
Union, the Confederacy, and Native Peoples in the Fight for the West, presented
by author Megan Kate Nelson in conversation with Kanisorn Wongrichanalai of the
Massachusetts Historical Society.
Register here for free:
June 20, Saturday, 5:30pm, 1774: The Long Year of Revolution, presented by
Mary Beth Norton of Cornell University.
Hosted by the Massachusetts Historical Society. Register here for
June 21, Sunday, 2pm, Virtual Preservation Roadshow, hosted by the New England Historic Genealogical Society and the Wyner Family Jewish Heritage Center. $85 per person for 3+ hours of instructional video, handouts, articles and templates; personalized advice from a qualified archiviest or conservator on one family item; view a gallery of submitted items; special discounts and virtual door prizes; live Q&A with the instructors; extended access to materials until September 2020. Register here:
June 21, Sunday, 2pm, Virtual Preservation Roadshow, hosted by the New England Historic Genealogical Society and the Wyner Family Jewish Heritage Center. $85 per person for 3+ hours of instructional video, handouts, articles and templates; personalized advice from a qualified archiviest or conservator on one family item; view a gallery of submitted items; special discounts and virtual door prizes; live Q&A with the instructors; extended access to materials until September 2020. Register here:
June 23, Tuesday, noon, Working with SuperSearch to Find the
Correct Historical Record, hosted by Family Tree Webinars. Presented by Daniel
Horowitz of MyHeritage. Register
June 24, Wednesday, noon, Utilizing the HathiTrust Digital Library
for Family History Research, hosted by Family Tree Webinars. Presented by
Colleen Greene, MLIS. Register
June 24, Wednesday, 1pm, Digging In: Preserving Ticonderoga's 18th Century Tool Collection, hosted by Fort Ticonderoga. Join the director of collections, Miranda Peters, on Facebook for this virtual class.
June 24, Wednesday, 1pm, Digging In: Preserving Ticonderoga's 18th Century Tool Collection, hosted by Fort Ticonderoga. Join the director of collections, Miranda Peters, on Facebook for this virtual class.
June 25 – June 27, 9:30am – 5pm (EDT), Research
Program: Virtual Spring Research Stay at
Home, presented by New England Historic Genealogical Society. Cost $375, Register by June 10 at this
link: Six lectures and access to recordings,
lecture handouts and materials, two one-on-one consultations with experts,
access to the experts via online chat.
June 25, Thursday, 8pm (EDT), Ted Widmer, author of Lincoln on the Verge: Thirteen Days to Washington, will discuss Lincoln's 13 day journey to Washington for his first inauguration. Hosted by History Camp Online. At History Camp Online Facebook page, and archived later at the website
June 27, Saturday, 10am EDT, 9am Central, 8am Mountain, 7am Pacific, 3pm London, June 28 midnight Sydney, Australia, "It Helps to Know: Better Searches" hosted by the National Institute for Genealogical Studies, and presented by Gena Philibert-Ortega. Free to the public. To enter the virtual meeting, type your name, location, and then click "Enter as a Guest"
June 27, Saturday, 12 noon EDT, 11am Central, 10am Mountain, 9am Pacific, 5 pm London, June 28 2am Sydney, Australia, "A Genealogical Exploration: New to You Resources for Your Research", presented by Gena Philibert-Ortega. Free to the public. To enter the virtual meeting, type your name, location, and then click "Enter as a Guest"
June 27, Saturday, 2pm EDT, 1pm Central, 12 noon, Mountain, 11am Pacific, 7pm London, June 28 4am Sydney, Australia., "10 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started" hosted by the National Institute for Genealogical Studies. Presented by Gena Philibert-Ortega. Free to the public. To enter the virtual meeting, type your name, location, and then click "Enter as a Guest"
June 25, Thursday, 8pm (EDT), Ted Widmer, author of Lincoln on the Verge: Thirteen Days to Washington, will discuss Lincoln's 13 day journey to Washington for his first inauguration. Hosted by History Camp Online. At History Camp Online Facebook page, and archived later at the website
June 27, Saturday, 10am EDT, 9am Central, 8am Mountain, 7am Pacific, 3pm London, June 28 midnight Sydney, Australia, "It Helps to Know: Better Searches" hosted by the National Institute for Genealogical Studies, and presented by Gena Philibert-Ortega. Free to the public. To enter the virtual meeting, type your name, location, and then click "Enter as a Guest"
June 27, Saturday, 12 noon EDT, 11am Central, 10am Mountain, 9am Pacific, 5 pm London, June 28 2am Sydney, Australia, "A Genealogical Exploration: New to You Resources for Your Research", presented by Gena Philibert-Ortega. Free to the public. To enter the virtual meeting, type your name, location, and then click "Enter as a Guest"
June 27, Saturday, 2pm EDT, 1pm Central, 12 noon, Mountain, 11am Pacific, 7pm London, June 28 4am Sydney, Australia., "10 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started" hosted by the National Institute for Genealogical Studies. Presented by Gena Philibert-Ortega. Free to the public. To enter the virtual meeting, type your name, location, and then click "Enter as a Guest"
June 27, 4pm EDT, 3pm Central, 2pm Mountain, 1pm Pacific, 9pm London, June 28 6am Sydney, Australia "Genealogy Fun and Games: How Much Do You Know?" hosted by the National Institute for Genealogical Studies, a 20th Anniversary Event. Presented by Gena Philibert-Ortega and Susanna deGroot. A special bonus session with some games, drawings, and $10,000 worth of prizes. Free to the public. No registration or password required. At the scheduled time in your time zone, click this link, type your name and geographic location, and click "Enter as a Guest":
June 29, Monday, 7pm, A Virtual Tour of Burial Hill, Plymouth, Massachusetts, hosted by New England Curiosities. This tour will be conducted on Zoom. An email link and password will be sent to all registered participants. Fee of $15 per person. Register at this link:
June 30, Tuesday, 4pm, Special Webinar: Jewish Life in Rural New England: How did the Jews get to Mars Hill, Maine and
other stories from the field, presented by Michael Hoberman, sponsored by the
Wyner Family Jewish Heritage Center at the New England Historic Genealogical
Society. Free to the public. Register here:
July 1, Wednesday, 5:30pm, The Cabinet: George Washington
& the Creation of an American Institution, presented by author Kindsay M.
Chervinsky. Hosted by the Massachusetts Historical Society. Register here for free:
July 9, Thursday, 4pm, “What’s New at”
online webinar sponsored by the New England Historic Genealogical Society, and
presented by Molly Rogers, Database Coordinator. Free to the public. Register by July 9
July 9, Thursday, 3pm, What’s New at Presented by
Molly Rogers, Database Coordinator of the New England Historic Genealogical
Society. Free to the public. Register
July 18, Saturday, La Mia Famiglia: Researching Italian Ancestors, hosted by the New England Historic Genealogical Society, and presented by Rhonda McClure. Cost $125 per person. This online conference will show you how to find the origins of your Italian ancestors, provide tips on accessing and understanding records, discuss how past geopolitical changes can affect your research, and offer strategies for online and onsite research. Register by July 18 at this link:
July 18, Saturday, La Mia Famiglia: Researching Italian Ancestors, hosted by the New England Historic Genealogical Society, and presented by Rhonda McClure. Cost $125 per person. This online conference will show you how to find the origins of your Italian ancestors, provide tips on accessing and understanding records, discuss how past geopolitical changes can affect your research, and offer strategies for online and onsite research. Register by July 18 at this link:
July 20, Monday, 5:30pm, Demagogue: The Life and Long Shadow
of Senator Joe McCarthy, presented by author and former Boston Globe reporter
Larry Tye. Register here for free:
September 7, Monday, 11am - 6pm, 36th Annual Bread and Roses Heritage Festival (Virtual Event) hosted by the Bread and Roses Heritage Festival, New England's only true Labor Day festival. Stay tune to this page for more details on this online event.
September 7, Monday, 11am - 6pm, 36th Annual Bread and Roses Heritage Festival (Virtual Event) hosted by the Bread and Roses Heritage Festival, New England's only true Labor Day festival. Stay tune to this page for more details on this online event.
Ongoing programs online:
Ancestry Academy, from, provides dozens of FREE
classes online. See this link:
APGen, The Association of Professional Genealogists has
several online events coming soon, see the list at this link:
Brigham Young University Independent Study, a variety of
courses on family history topics completely free and available online. See this link:
Family History Library Classes and Webinars, from the LDS
church, are listed at this link: and also see this page for dozens of classes
Wednesdays 4pm (MST) on Facebook Live at Family Search See this link Free
online genealogy presentations.
FamilyTree Webinars are free to the public and sponsored by
FamilyTree Legacy: see this link: and a list of their top 10 most popular
webinars of all time here:
GeneaWebinars, a blog with the latest news on what’s
available to view online: and also, their schedule of FREE family
history webinars PDF can be found here:
History Camp Boston 2019 – There are links to the 47
different lectures given last year!
Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburg will be virtual
this summer. See the website for classes offered June 21 – 26, July 6 -10, and
July 19 -24. Some classes are postposed to the summer of 2021.
The History List has compiled a list of “Learning at Home”
at this link:
Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research 2020 will be
held virtually this year 26 – 31 July 2020. Registration ends 11:55 EDT on Monday 6 July
Lexington Historical Society – A page full of virtual
Lowell National Historical Park, Lowell, Massachusetts has a
page of online videos and resources for students and visitors. See this link:
Manchester Millyard Museum:
A collection of local history videos about Manchester, New Hampshire,
please see this link:
Old Sturbridge Village Museum has “Virtual Village” where
the staff will bring the museum into your home with fun facts, activities,
recipes, and videos. You can see it on
Facebook, Instagram and at this link:
Plimoth Plantation has several online workshops and
discussions good for all ages
of the Dawn – Wampanoag culture and traditions $10
Fact or
Fiction? Investigating the First Thanksgiving, $10
First Families: Their New Worlds and Everyday Lives, $10
History – a sneak peek into 17th century wardrobes, $10
Virtual Genealogical Association -, has a
complete list of 2020 live presentations.
Recordings are available to members for six months after the live
presentation, dues are only $20 per year.
And, as always, check Cyndi’s List for a complete list of
online classes and webinars: