Wednesday, January 29, 2025

A Walk through Alcala de Henares, Spain for Weathervane Wednesday

 Happy New Year!  All these weathervanes were photographed near the parador at Alcala de Henares, in the province of Madrid, Spain.  We walked from the parador to the birthplace of Cervantes, and saw many, many weathervanes. This is an old university town, with many church steeples and college towers.  It was founded in the first century, BC by the Romans.  This city is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 

Near the parador (which was originally a student hostel centuries ago)  was a section of the Complutense University, founded in the late 15th century. It was full of church steeples and towers with lots of weathervanes. We had a lot of fun walking here and photographing all the weathervanes. 

This building was on the Plaza de Cervantes, near the parador where we ate lunch. I loved the circular part of the weathervane, which held up the cardinal points. And the stork's nest is a bonus! 

Here we are at the birthplace of Miguel de Cervantes (1547 - 1616), the Spanish author of Don Quixote. Cervantes was born in his grandparents house, and grew up in poverty. His father was a barber-surgeon. 

For the truly curious:

Alcala de Henares at Wikipedia:   

Miguel de Cervantes at Wikipedia:  

To see over 550 more weathervanes, please click here:  


To cite/link to this blog post:  Heather Wilkinson Rojo, "A Walk through Alcala de Henares, Spain for Weathervane Wednesday", Nutfield Genealogy, posted January 29, 2025, ( accessed [access date]). 

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