Matthew Taylor and his wife Janet Wilson came from Northern Ireland in 1721 and settled in Nutfield, now Derry, New Hampshire. Matthew was one of the original proprietors of the settlement. He was born in 1690 and he died 26 January 1770 near Beaver Lake. They had ten children and many descendants who lived in New Hampshire and Nova Scotia. Matthew and his sons, Adam and Samuel Taylor, are buried in Forest Hill Cemetery in Derry.
The descendants are planning a reunion for August 2011, and the committee chairs Betty Taylor Aube and Heather Taylor Facey were in Derry recently to search for a place to hold the reunion. You can read all about it by clicking on the article to enlarge it. For more information about the reunion, and the Taylor Family Association, please see the website www.taylorfamilyreunion.com
Events planned for the Reunion include tours of Forest Hill Cemetery, First Parish Church, The Taylor Library, the Taylor Up and Down Sawmill and the site of the Taylor Homestead. The Reunion is in honor of the 290th anniversary of Matthew and Janet Taylor’s arrival in America. For more information you may email Betty Taylor Aube at bettyandmoeaube@sympatico.ca or Heather Taylor Facey at scharlesfacey@n.s.sympatico.ca
For more information:
From my blog “Taylor Saw Mill in Derry” from October 25, 2009, a story about the up and down sawmill built by Robert Taylor, Matthew’s grandson.
See the online Nutfield News, April 15, 2010, page 9 “Matthew Taylor Descendants Plan Derry Reunion” http://content.yudu.com/Library/A1no1k/NutfieldNews41510/resources/index.htm?referrerUrl=http:// or www.yudu.com/item/details/159163/Nutfield-News-4-15-10
http://www.taylorfamilyreunion2011.myevent.com/3/myblog.htm A recap of the 2008 Taylor Reunion
http://www.taylorfamilyreunion2011.myevent.com/3/whos_coming.htm The 2011 Taylor Reunion
Join the Facebook Group “Descendants of Matthew and Janet Taylor” for regular updates with the latest information
I'm a Matthew Taylor descendant through their daughter Eleanor who married Samuel Archibald. After founding Londonderry, N.H. they went to found Londonderry, Nova Scotia.