Edmund Ingalls was born in
Lincolnshire, England and settled at Lynn, Massachusetts at a place known as
Ingalls Pond. He arrived in the company
of Governor John Endicott in 1629 with his brother, Francis Ingalls. He died when a bridge broke over the Saugus
River in 1648, and he fell with his horse into the water and was drowned. The General Court paid one hundred pounds to
his children for their loss. Their
petition read “The humble petition of
Robert Ingalls with the rest of his brethren and sisters, being eight in
number, humbly showeth, that whereas your poor petitioners father hath been
deprived of life by the insufficiency of Lynne Bridge, so called, to the great
impoverishing of your poor petitioners mother and themselves, and there being a
Court order that any person so dying through such insufficiency of any bridge
in the countrye, that there should be an hundred pounds forfeit to the next
heir, may it therefore please this honorable Court to take your poore petitioners
case into consideration.”
Edmund Ingalls is the 8th
great grandfather of children’s book author Laura Ingalls Wilder, who wrote the
House series. A good source for information on this family is Ingalls
Genealogy by Dr. Charles Burleigh, 1903, and also Ingalls Genealogy by Dr.
Walter Renton Ingalls, 1933. I descend
from two of Edmund Ingalls sons, Robert and Samuel, and from his daughter Elizabeth. I think this is the only ancestor I have from whom I descend from three siblings.
The last will and testament of Edmund Ingalls:
Edmund Ingalls of Lynn, being of perfect memory commit my soul unto God, my
body to the grave and difpose of my earthly goods in this wife.
I make my wife Ann Ingalls, sole executor, leaving my houfe and houfelot,
togather with my stock of cattle and corn, to her, Likewife I leave Katherine
Shipper with my wife.
I bequeath to Robert my sonne & heir four pound to be payd in two years
time by my wife, either in cattle or corn Likewife I bequeath to him or to his
heirs, my houfe & houfelot after the deceafe of my wife.
I bequeath to Elizabeth my daughter, twenty shillings to be payd by my wife in
a Heifer calf in two years time after my deceafe.
to my daughter Faith, wife to Andrew Allen, I bequeath two yearling calves, and
inform my wife to pay him forty shillings debt in a years time after my
to my sonne John, I bequeath the houfe & ground that was Jeremy fitts,
lying by the meeting houfe, only out of it the sd John is to pay within four
years, four pounds to my sonne Samuel, and the ground to be his security,
further I leave with said John, that three Acres of land he had in England
fully to pofsefs and enjoy.
I give to Sarah, my daughter, wife of William Bitnar my two ewes.
to Henry my sonne, I give the Houfe that I bought of Goodman West, and six
Acres of ground, lying by it, and three Acres of Marsh ground lying at Rumley
Marsh, and this the sd Henry shall pofsefs in two years after my deceafe, Only
out of this the sd Henry shall pay to my sonne Samuel, four pounds within two
years after he enters upon it.
I bequeath to Samuel my sonne, eight pounds to be difcharged as above, in the
I leave with Mary the Heifer calf that she enjoyed and leave her to my wife for
future dowry.
I appoint Francis Ingalls, my brother & Francis Dane, my sonne in law,
overfeers of my will, and order that thofe things that have no particular
exemption in the will mentioned, be taken away after my deceafe and entreat my
overfeers to be helpful to my wife in ordering her matters.
William Morton, Francis Dane, Francis Ingols
14:9:1648 by Francis Ingalls, and 27:4:1649 by William Morton.
Essex Co. Quarterly Court Files,
vol. 1, leaf 103
My Ingalls genealogy:
Generation 1: Edmund Ingalls, son of Robert Ingalls
and Elizabeth Unknown, born 17 June 1586
in Skirbeck, Lincolnshire, England, died 16 September 1648 in Lynn,
Massachusetts; married about 1618 in England to Ann Tripp. She was born about 1600 in Skirbeck, and died about 1649 in Massachusetts. Nine children and I descend from three: Elizabeth, Robert and Samuel Ingalls.
Lineage A:
Generation 2: Elizabeth Ingalls, baptized on 28 February 1619 in Skirbeck, Lincolnshire, England, died 9 June 1676 in Andover, Massachusetts; married about 1639 to the Reverend Francis Dane, son of John Dane and Frances Bowyer. He was born 20 November 1615 in Bishop Stortford, Hertfordshire, England and died 17 February 1697 in Andover.
Generation 3: Hannah Dane m. William Goodhue
Generation 4: Bethiah Goodhue m. Benjamin Marshall
Generation 5: Elizabeth Marshall m. David Burnham
Generation 6: Amos Burnham m. Sarah Giddings
Generation 7: Judith Burnham m. Joseph Allen
Generation 8: Joseph Allen m. Orpha Andrews
Generation 9: Joseph Gilman Allen m. Sarah Burnham Mears
Generation 10: Joseph Elmer Allen m. Carrie Maude Batchelder
Generation 11: Stanley Elmer Allen m. Gertrude Matilda Hitchings (my grandparents)
Lineage B:
Generation 2: Robert Ingalls, born about 1621 in
England, died 3 January 1698 in Lynn; married about 1646 to Sarah Harker,
daughter of William Harker and Elizabeth Unknown. She was born abut 1625 and died 8 April 1696.
Eight children.
Generation 3: Nathaniel Ingalls, born about 1660 in
Lynn, died about 1736; married to Anne Collins, daughter of Joseph Collins and
Sarah Hires. Ten children.
Generation 4: Hannah Ingalls, born about 1713, died
before 15 April 1798; married June 1735 in Lynn to Daniel Hitchings, son of
Daniel Hitchings and Susannah Townsend.
He was born 19 October 1709 in Lynn, and died 25 April 1760 in Lynn.
Twelve children.
Generation 5: Abijah Hitchings m. Mary Gardner
Generation 6: Abijah Hitchings m. Mary Cloutman
Generation 7: Abijah Hitchings m. Eliza Ann
Generation 8: Abijah Franklin Hitchings m. Hannah
Eliza Lewis
Generation 9: Arthur Treadwell Hitchings m. Florence
Etta Hoogerzeil
Generation 10: Gertrude Matilda Hitchings m. Stanley
Elmer Allen (my grandparents)
Lineage C:
Generation 2: Samuel Ingalls, born about 1632 in
England, died 30 August 1717 in Ipswich, Massachusetts; married 9 December 1656
in Ipswich to Ruth Eaton, daughter of John Eaton and Ann Crossman. She was baptized 12 February 1637 in Hatton,
Warwickshire, England and died before 1716 in Massachusetts. Nine chlldren.
Generation 3: Joseph Ingalls, born 23 December 1666
in Ipswich, died 1724 in Gloucester, Massachusetts; married 3 January 1704 in
Ipswich to Sarah Thompson, daughter of Alexander Thompson and Deliverance
Haggett. She was born about 1671 in
Ipswich. Five children.
Generation 4: Mary Ingalls, born 1716 in Gloucester,
died 27 December 1796 in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Massachusetts; married 12
January 1738 in the Chebacco Parish Church, Ipswich to William Allen, son of
Joseph Allen and Catherine Leach. He was born 21 May 1711 in Manchester, died
10 June 1785 in Chebacco Parish. Nine
Generation 5: Isaac Allen m. Abigail Burnham
Generation 6: Joseph Allen m. Judith Burnham
Generation 7: Joseph Allen m. Orpha Andrews
Generation 8: Joseph Gilman Allen m. Sarah Burnham
Generation 9: Joseph Elmer Allen m. Carrie Maude
Generation 10: Stanley Elmer Allen m. Gertrude
Matilda Hitchings (my grandparents)
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