Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Weathervane Wednesday ~ Another Mermaid Weathervane!

Today's weathervane was found in an antique shop in Northwood, New Hampshire, along the famous "Antique Alley" on Route 4 from Concord to the Lee Traffic Circle (near the seacoast).

We usually don't photograph weathervanes found indoors, except for a few museum we have visited. This mermaid and dolphin weathervane was so unusual that we made an exception!  This very crowded antique shop made it difficult to get a photo, but I think you can see how detailed this three dimensional weathervane appears.

This weathervane was spotted in the back barn of the R. S. Butler's Trading Company store, which is the big pink farmhouse on Route 4.   Antique Alley (Route 4 in Lee, Chichester, Northwood, Nottingham, Epsom and Concord, New Hampshire) is home to over 20 antique shops and is New England's oldest antiquing trail.

For the truly curious:

R. S. Butler's Trading Company website: 

New Hampshire's Antique Alley website:

Antique Alley on Facebook: 

Click here to see over 400 other weathervanes featured on "Weathervane Wednesday":

Click here to see several more mermaid weathervanes: 


Heather Wilkinson Rojo, "Weathervane Wednesday ~ Another Mermaid Weathervane!", Nutfield Genealogy, posted November 20, 2019, ( accessed [access date]).

1 comment:

  1. Of all the posted Weathervane Wednesday photos, I think this one is my favorite -- whether inside or out. [pun intended] ;-)

    cousin John
